Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Goodness of God

I had never read anything by Randy Alcorn, but the title intrigued me, so I selected The Goodness of God:  Assurance of Purpose in the Midst of Suffering for my most recent read.  And was I ever blessed!  Regardless of whether you are going thru a tremendously difficult trial or just the ordinary struggles of everyday life on this earth, there is so much for you  to take from this book.  The best thing that it has to offer is helping us in the struggle to transition from believing in God to trusting in God, particularly when we encounter times of suffering and our beliefs are challenged.  He takes us through each piece of evidence, proving that God is good (all the time), by looking at such difficult issues as inherited sin, delayed justice, and the "prosperity gospel".  There are so many nuggets of wisdom that I felt compelled to read with a highlighter in are a couple:
 "God is not only preparing a place for us, he's preparing us for that place, through our suffering   and growth in character."
"Satan intends your suffering for evil; God intends if for good.  Whose purpose in your suffering will prevail?  Whose purposes are you furthering?  Satan attempts to destroy your faith, while God invites you to draw near to him and rely upon his soverign grace to sustain you." 
 I have a feeling that while this book is going on the shelf, it won't stay there long.  I have already been  pulling it out and reading again the highlighted passages.  It has challenged me to continue to be a student of God's Word and to seek first His righteousness in this broken world.

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."  Romans 8:18