JJ couldn't take it anymore...I was getting all these free books, and he was jealous! So he finally started his own blog, and will soon be reviewing books too. So he is "guest reviewer" on my blog today, as he gets his blog up and going. I got the book "Daddy Dates" by Greg Wright for him, and here's what he thought:
What an incredible book for fathers, not only of daughters but also of sons. This book challenges us as parents to spend time getting to know our kids. Not just hanging out, but really getting to know them--their likes and dislikes, their wants and desires, their fears and dreams. Time is too precious and is fleeting away fast.
Greg Wright does a wonderful job of breaking down the chapters into bite size pieces so that those who aren’t avid readers or those who are simply too busy to read much at one time can chew and digest his thoughts. I enjoyed that he shares his personal struggles and how he had to humbly admit to not having all the skills to communicate properly with his daughters, although his profession is as a communicator. We can all learn a lot from this admission. No matter how much schooling or job skills we have, raising a family is very different. Each child is a little bit different. Each situation has its nuances. I had to admit it got to me a bit emotionally, because I saw my own kids growing up as I read it.
From the encouragement to not allow your daughters to date outside of groups in high school to treating them like royalty when you spend concentrated time with them, I found this book very helpful for me being all there for my daughter, who is nine going on seventeen. Every father should read this book to realize what special person they have in their home. As a parent, God has blessed us with an opportunity to mold the life of a child of God into His image. May we treasure the time we have been given and not waste it.
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